Campaign 2021
Every Drop Counts
Every Drop Counts
We experience the massive impacts of the pandemic worldwide also in the form of poor water availability and quality. The One Health approach is effective in preventing pandemics and strengthening human, animal and environmental health. Its implementation includes a secure infrastructure to strengthen resilience.
More information on the relevant BMZ Strategy
Water creates healthy individuals, societies and ecosystems
Water empowers marginalised communities
Water connects cities with their environment
Water is invaluable and the cross-sectoral foundation of a circular economy and green recovery.
More information on the relevant BMZ Strategy
Water creates 3 out of 4 jobs
Water enables education
Water connects organizations in partnerships for a more efficient use of resources
Water Energy Food Security
Water Energy Food Security
In the 21st century, the world´s demand for natural resources is more pressing than ever before. The Water, Energy and Food security Nexus approach aims to secure the supply of these resources by strengthening synergies and reducing trade-offs among these sectors.
More information on the relevant BMZ Strategy and the Nexus Resource Platform
Water creates a bond between natural resources and human activities
Water, Energy and Food together enable a green recovery
Water connects various sectors and actors across generations
Water, Healthy Ecosystems & Climate Mitigation/Adaption
Water, Healthy Ecosystems & Climate Mitigation/Adaption
We experience severe impacts of climate change through water, especially in water availability and quality. In many regions, climate change intensifies water scarcity, heavy rainfalls and flood events. Effects are already visible across the economy. Ecosystem-based approaches strengthen water measures to reduce GHG emissions and adapt to climate change. Moreover, the protection and restoration of freshwater ecosystems goes beyond climate change effects and has positive effects on biodiversity and human well-being. Therefore, German development cooperation supports actions to strengthen climate resilience and biological diversity through policies, technical and nature-based solutions.
More information on the relevant BMZ Strategy
Water creates solutions to restore the most diverse ecosystems
Water enables adaptation and strengthens climate resilience
Water connects biodiversity and sustainable development to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Water, Good Governance & Gender Equity
Water, Good Governance & Gender Equity
Responsible water governance forms the basis for a resource management with integrity. Only with an inclusive approach, all stakeholders are involved and all target groups can be reached leaving no one behind.
More information on the relevant BMZ Strategy(external link, opens in a new window)
Safe access to water and sanitation creates equal opportunities
Water integrity empowers the voiceless
Water connects all actors of society
Water, Displacement, Migration
Water, Displacement, Migration
Only transboundary management can harness water in fragile contexts to ensure sustainable prospects for peace and security.
More information on the relevant BMZ Strategy and the Nexus Resource Platform